
We support many different charities and causes. With the turbulent way of the world as it is now our ‘chosen’ charities can include a long list of names.

If you feel that you are able or would like to donate to any of our causes then complete the form as appropriate.

100% of any donation will go to the charity that you select.

Your generosity is not taken for granted. We would be grateful if you would consider letting us use your information for future mailings and information from us – this is purely an opt-in option and your data will not be used unless we have your consent to do so.

If you are a taxpayer in the UK, we can claim 25p in every £ that you donate but we can only do this if you complete your address details, including the postcode.

Thank you for your support.

    Your Title *

    Your Firstname *

    Your Lastname *

    Do you pay UK Taxes? *

    [group GiftAidClaim] Since you pay UK taxes we are able to claim 25% of your donation back from Her Majesties Revenue and Customs. For that reason we would like your house number and your postcode:

    House Number:

    Your Email *

    How much would you like to donate?

    By accepting and consenting to this form you agree for us to take a payment for the amount that you have selected above using our payment provider, PayPal. You also agree that we may store the data given appropriately for use within the context of this payment (in other words for Gift Aid).