Following the recent Easter raffle run by Kingswinford and Stourbridge Lions, the Club are delighted to announce that £1000 has been raised for brave little Amblecote girl Calla-Rose Cadman, who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy, which has already resulted in her making over 120 visits to hospital. Calla-Rose’s Dad, Mom and siblings Lily and Alfie were at Barnett Hill Garden centre to make the draw on Saturday 19th March.
The winner of the Lions Super Hero handmade chocolate bunny was Ron Smith of Stourbridge, who said he will be sharing it with his grandchildren and that he is interested in coming along to a meeting to see what we are all about. The winner of the second prize a large handmade Easter egg was Genine Grealey, also of Stourbridge. The Lions club wish to thank everyone that took part and made this one of their best Easter raffles in years.
The cheque presentation took place last month and we were joined by Calla-Rose herself despite having had yet another ambulance trip to hospital, together with her Mom and Dad. The money is to go towards specialist equipment to help this lovely little girl.