Contact Us

If you would like to make contact with us, for any reason, you can use this form.

Your email is required so that we can respond to you.

Depending on your choice we will send your message to the right person within our team. They will respond when they can.

Make sure that you include as much information as you can about your reason for contact -it will really help us to answer you.

    Your First name *

    Your Last name *

    What would be your preferred method of contact *


    [group Email] Your email

    [group Mobile] Your Mobile number

    [group Landline] Your landline number

    Let us know when you would prefer us to try to contact you by mobile or landline:

    Morning - 0900-1200Afternoon - 1200-1700Evening - 1700-2000

    Your question or general area of interest:
    [select* recipient first_as_label "providing service in my local community|" "getting general information|" "volunteering my time|" "requesting funds|" "collecting with Santa|" "joining the Lions|" "a problem with your webpage|" Please add any pertinent information that you think that we might find useful... [textarea your-message]

    I accept and consent that this data can be used to contact me with regard to the query above. I also consent to the data being stored any duration that it may take to resolve this query.